Some dark-eyed children peered from the vans as they went by.
And babies, little dark-eyed children with light brown hair.
Three dark-eyed children were clinging to her skirt.
A skull the size of a large grapefruit smiled out at us-a dark-eyed child whose teeth had long since left the jaws.
The dark-eyed children watched us almost furtively.
There are grainy photos of a dark-eyed child with an intense look.
He looked down to see a pretty dark-haired, dark-eyed child.
Megan was different from the other children, an alien with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, standing out in stark contrast to the dark-eyed, dark-haired children.
She looks at the dark-eyed child who watches.
Three dark-eyed, black-haired children watched from a doorway; a woman appeared at a window, moving aside the sacking that covered it.