She longed to slink back into the dark cool womb of the woods behind her.
In her womb like a malignancy, dark and inoperable, she bore the child of Angus Thermopyle.
This was old Britain, ancient Britain, the dark womb from which we all sprang.
In a dark womb of foliage and branchlets, they were making babies.
C. L. M. In the dark womb where I began, My mother's life made me a man.
He nodded, blinked, and headed into the Pigalle's cool, dark womb.
Swimming dreamlessly in that warm, dark womb, nourished by the mother, held safe and fast until the moment when the outside would be faced.
Without hesita- tion, he ran down the ramp and into the dark womb of the tunnel.
I was ashore in the dark womb of those gabbro cliffs and no sign of Iain.
He laughed, a worm in a dark warm womb.