This dark tonality only appears when nucleic acid hybridization occurs.
Perhaps this explains why Finnish composers so easily identify with the dark tonalities that dominate the palette of 20th-century music.
The line has a slightly dark and complex tonality, and is divided further among "Full" and "Metal" models.
This harsh, reflective lighting also comparatively reduces the background to a dark tonality that enhances the foreground.
His paintings up to this point showed the influence of the darker tonality of the National Gallery School.
His portraits have been described as having an "austere simplicity," using dark and chilly tonalities that emphasize the model's immobility.
Because of the struggle and the war, his pieces changed from a brilliant style one to a new, darker tonality.
It lightens a show in which dark tonalities and an overall musty feeling can sometimes overwhelm.
In Giverny, he turned to painting women in outdoor light, leaving behind the darker tonalities and landscape subjects of his earlier work.
Mr. Harrison, who leads the band, broke up his solos with crying blues phrases, adding a dark tonality to the show.