Sunlight was beginning to disappear as he climbed, and he noted the dark thunderclouds, forming in the north.
Drifting downward from the peaks, dark thunderclouds forewarned of imminent danger.
A raging wind howled and shrieked around her, and dark thunderclouds were her fur.
On his right, a dark thundercloud materializes.
A sudden storm broke in the east and she swung to watch the lightning fork up from the ground, the dark thunderclouds swirling furiously.
When they spread their ears they seemed to block out the sky, like a dark grey thundercloud.
Boot strikes echoed off the stone walls as she stepped forward, a dark thundercloud approaching, a thundercloud that didn't know fear.
Guilt, shame and visions of paradise lost have always hovered like dark biblical thunderclouds over his troubled, groping characters.
Ball's squadron-mate Cyril Crowe observed Ball flying into a dark thundercloud.
He leaned his powerful arms on the tree-slab desk and hunched forward, looming before me like a dark thundercloud.