Ariale et Fflsr he said, reading the raised white letters of a sign above a dark storefront across the street.
But even along Bourbon Street, where the electricity is back, only a handful of the famously gaudy signs were ablaze, most of them outside otherwise dark and empty storefronts.
Its alloy surface reflected bright holograms that marched up and down dark storefronts, advertising wares invisible behind dead glass.
At the next corner, Dove continued past dark storefronts and abandoned buildings.
You will know them by their dark storefronts and gilt lettering and, in some cases, the low iron bar upon which you could wipe your boots.
Beyond where they stood, the bars and shops gave way to shadowy private dwellings and dark storefronts.
Converse waited, watching from a dark storefront on the shabby street in Emmerich.
In the shadows of the dark storefront, McAllister stared at the Medusan.
Going left would take me to Broad Street, but to the right, half a block away, a lone figure had emerged from a dark storefront.
Her voice rang out on the empty street, bounced off the dark storefronts.