The wind whistled and whipped like knives of ice around the high, dark spire where Mikey stood.
Before him he saw the Tower of Stumble Hill, its dark spire rising against the setting sun.
Presently there were dark spires of fir-trees against a moonrise.
Beyond the drop-off, in the distance rose the dark spires of the high forest, now that the evergreens had shed their cloak of winter white.
I made out tall, dark spires and minarets.
At the east end of the valley the highway has a view of the Fisher Towers, a set of dark red spires.
Fzoul never noticed the wizard eye floating above and behind him among the dark spires, keeping carefully out of sight.
He looked out beyond the land to the ribbon of water between the shore and the dark spire of the ship.
The shell is colored ivory white to light brown externally, with a darker spire and a brown periostracum.
The Pykon rose into this fog, massive, dark spires that shadowed the land.