Nevertheless, dark portents of judgmental disaster plagued him.
Ao offered a final warning, full of dark portents: It is your responsibility to stand against Cyric - just as it is his to destroy you if you fail.
He shivered, unable to draw away from the overt symbolism, the image of a dark portent, a literal storm on his horizon.
Is there a dark portent for Disney in Mitsubishi's misstep?
The sammads and the Sasku had retreated to the distant Sasku valley and were being followed closely by Vaintè and her forces, dark portents of certain death.
In 1900, as the century turned," he began dramatically, "Thibaut de Castries came to sunny, lusty San Francisco like a dark portent from realms of cold and coal smoke in the East that pulsed with Edison's electricity and from which thrust Sullivan's steel-framed skyscrapers.
But Prokofiev's Fifth, with its appealing blend of martial violence, lyrical gentleness, dark portent and giddy fun, continues to stir audiences.
Mr. Taylor drew a picture of American innocence on the eve of World War II in "Company B" and regularly undercut its high spirits with dark portents of the looming conflict.
The whole situation was pregnant with dark and bloody portents.
Eat handfuls of jellied brain and sing of dark portents and bloody dreams.