Most eerie was the dark pall that hung over the place.
The shield follows the colours of the flag and is divided into three parts by a reversed dark blue pall, the first and the second fields being yellow and the third being crimson.
As they rode deeper into the chill wood, Sparhawk began to smell smoke and he soon saw a dark pall lying low among the stark white tree-trunks.
Daybreak found a dark pall over the St. Lawrence.
A Dark Pall A dark pall hangs over the earth time sanity vanished replaced with ruthlessness unimaginable evil.
Perhaps; the noises are still; yet all is ominous yet, o'ercast with a dark pall.
In the glorious first days of his regime, would the new Padishah Emperor risk casting a dark pall upon the festivities by renewing a sentence of death?
The dim, dark pall of melancholy faded as the joy was slowly released, circling the room with tails of light.
Lights went on in the access tube, turning the blackness into a dark gray pall.
The dark pall of smoke hovering above giant forest fires recently in the West has yielded a scientific bonanza for researchers studying whether nuclear warfare would plunge the earth into a freezing "nuclear winter."