Nan fixed her eyes on the dark nimbus hanging over the lake.
Her power blazed around her like a dark nimbus.
A dark nimbus now occluded his image of her as he consigned her to the same noisome pit into which he had dropped his father.
Gimnopedes sang a sad chorus in a dark nimbus above the treetops, serenading the lone four-winged bird among the flock.
This young woman had arch piquant features toned nacreous silver, and wore her hair in a dark nimbus of ten thousand tiny varnished spikes.
Sheehy describes the document destruction in more dramatic terms: "After hours, in the dimly lit Rose Law Firm offices, Vince Foster and Webb Hubbell scoured [Hillary's] records. . . . Withheld were Hillary's billing records, which over the years were to take on the dark nimbus of a smoking gun.
It was gone in an instant, but the effect on her was more potent than any words, for in that second it was as if a dark nimbus of cold ferocity played about Willie Garvin.
A dark nimbus clutched itself to Longshadow's crystal tower.
Her hair was a dark nimbus above him.
Brawne Lamia's thick mass of curls fluttered around her face like a dark nimbus.