They have a dark grey mantle and a black tail.
With him walked a woman muffled closely in a dark mantle.
The Virgin Mary is wearing a blue blouse (not black) and a dark red or crimson mantle.
By the light of a lamp he saw a woman, wrapped in a dark mantle, seated upon a stool near a dying fire.
Another type of deposit associated with the maria, although it also covers the highland areas, are the "dark mantle" deposits.
Mary wears a gold-trimmed dark blue mantle over a purple/red tunic.
The walls were dark with smoke from peat fires, and he wore a dark mantle.
The dark mantle is covered by few papillae, usually tipped with pale yellow.
The skull-faced man bowed low, and hiding the globe under his dark mantle, hurried from the chamber.
There was no way he would ever know, and the guilt hung over him like a dark mantle.