He finally gave in during tryouts and put dark makeup on his shaved head.
She even shaved Lucie's eyebrows and lined her eyes with dark makeup.
Both were light-skinned, and wore dark makeup in order to avoid looking different from the rest of the cast.
He smeared a bit of dark makeup under his eyes, which accentuated the circles subtly, aging him dramatically.
All the subjects are tattooed with dark makeup over one eye and a code number on their hands.
It was the standard practice in all these productions for the Native American roles to be played by white actors wearing dark makeup.
For example, the white women in the band wore dark makeup on stage to avoid arrest.
Umbrella aside, his own dark makeup was streaking in the rain, and he ended up being striped.
Early pictures show him with a goatee; however, sometimes he combed his straight hair forward and added dark makeup to look somewhat "ethnic".
Slowly, he wiped the dark makeup off his eyes, dabbing with the cloth, feeling a sheen begin to return to his face.