He gives us a bit of Frank Langella in his dark brooding hero.
Keiichi Sato joined the company as the project director after he pitched its concept of a life-sized dark hero to the management.
Hotsuma's character, as well as the game's setting and plot, resulted from a desire to create a "darker hero" for the game.
Each read a paragraph describing a dark hero and one describing a proper hero.
But when asked who appealed to them most for short-term affairs, the women turned to the dark heroes - the handsome, passionate and daring cads.
He's a dark hero for some.
His dark heroes may have something of Marlowe himself, whose untimely death remains a mystery.
And that, further, I was behaving like a perfect coward, and not the dark hero whom I claimed to be.
He was created to be a "dark hero" in contrast to the previous protagonist from the series, Kyo.
They actually transform into their guardian which is a kind of dark hero.