Agosto, 24, who has a dark goatee, was in a tuxedo.
The Trill's smile was even more dazzling close up, his white teeth contrasting sharply with his dark goatee.
The man with the clean-shaven head and the dark goatee, and the look of quiet confidence about him.
They were halted by a man in a dark goatee.
The hazel eyes twitched, and Bealtur's hand went to the thin dark goatee.
The big American swung the Beretta toward a man with a dark black goatee.
The viewer filled with the image of a Starfleet captain- a swarthy man with a neat dark goatee.
He was in his late thirties, about Harvath's height with a shaved head and a dark goatee.
He stepped back and stroked his dark goatee as he studied the problem.
His appearance on the show is significantly different from the comics version, with long black hair, a dark goatee, and black and silver armor.