The wall opposite the door is all windows but they're covered by heavy dark drapes.
He parted the dark blue drapes and surveyed the avenue below, first Broadway, then 50th.
The living room was hung about with heavy dark drapes.
The Caribe casino was on the second floor, a big smoky place with dark drapes around the walls.
Dawn was leaking in around the edges of the heavy, dark green drapes.
The room was a calming blue color, with dark blue drapes over the tall, narrow windows.
"Hello, Harman," said a familiar voice from the gloom near the table and dark drapes.
It has dark, striped drapes and two pic-tures of street life in Paris on the wall above each bed.
Lecturing hidden behind dark drapes for eerie effect, he later simply played his recording.
Heavy, dark drapes of some indeterminate color shut out the cold night.