And yet as he spoke, it seemed that dark doubts stirred in the background.
The victories have briefly rid the Mets of their darker doubts and momentarily banished the hurt of tough losses.
God is wiser and stronger than any father or mother, so hold fast to Him, and you will have no doubt or fear, however dark it seems.
He was very good at this, she had to admit, his accusations echoing her own dark doubts.
Los Alamos scientists and engineers relate their trials, triumphs, and dark doubts about building the ultimate weapon of war in the interest of peace.
It rolled right through me, sating, satisfying, comforting, sweeping away all the dark doubts I'd harbored.
Reynolds noticed this, a fact which fed fresh fuel to the already dark doubts and torments in his mind.
A struggle was evidently in his face; a struggle with that occasional look which had a tendency in it to dark doubt and dread.
The play, which the authors regard, accurately, as a "carnival mass," is filled with the darkest doubts about our survivability.
"They will not," she said, but she had doubts herself, so dark the place was and so desolate, just a little light where they were, above them.