The small dark crowded dome was dimly lit by a single handlamp, and the battery seemed to be already failing.
But face it, there were going to be thirty-two men and nine women marooned in a dark dome on ice for nine months.
Just a smooth, dark dome which, when more closely examined, proved to be made of a semitranslucent material.
Wild magic glared against the dark dome of the sky.
From the clouds caught in the dark dome, Kio thought he heard chirping, but he could see nothing there.
A dark dome expanded up through the light.
There were guided tours of the sky by a live astronomer in the dark dome.
He looked up at the stars studding the dark dome of night like tiny silver nails.
The ninety students gathered in a dark hollow at the end of the tunnel, a pioneer trench dome.
Seventy feet above the ground, it spread into a dark green dome of foliage.