A long table rested on dark green carpeting.
"You still haven't said what's outside," I reminded him, pacing him down the salmon-colored corridor on dark green carpeting.
The floors vary throughout the rooms from a green tile to dark carpeting; the walls are painted rehearsal studio white.
He made his way across the dark carpeting.
We walked down long wide corridors with dark red carpeting; each of the hotel-room doors had a padlock on it.
Thick, dark red carpeting lay across the midnight marble flooring.
Slowly the machine sank into the lush carpeting: dark yet pregnant with its inner light.
Its circular floor, covered in dark gray carpeting, is wide enough to hold a dozen automobiles for executives' review.
The lighting is bright, the dark green carpeting has seen better days, and this is not the kind of food that requires deep consideration.
A blond wood floor has replaced dark gray carpeting in the gallery's three rooms, creating a vibrant sense of space and light.