For my kind were meant for the open day and not dark burrows and night's dusk.
If so, then novae and supernovae were only too well understood by the quivering inhabitants of the dark burrows and shielded nests around him.
He hated to ask her to crawl up the cramped dark burrow.
Hazel lay in the warm, dark burrow with a delightful sense of security.
Oh no, in a couple of hours you'll be cracking nuts with ferrets in some dark Gendian burrow.
We are not rats, to hide in dark burrows.
If only the government would properly explain their immigration policies then the despicable BNP would retreat to its dark burrow.
It revealed a large, dark burrow that plunged into the ground at about a seventy-degree angle.
Lawson felt just like someone who has tumbled headlong down a steep, dark burrow, no safe ground beneath his feet.