At various levels within the Dox Formation, dark basalt has been injected as sills.
They are underlain by dark basalt in contrast to the gray andesite of the High Cascades.
The crust on the near side is much thinner, with vast plains of dark basalt, called maria (pronounced MAH-ree-uh), that erupted long ago.
This was an ancient Egyptian statue of our Isis, carved from dark basalt.
It was strangely satisfying to see the primal landscape-quite reddish-though the color was mostly an overlay on dark basalt.
Made of red and gray material, its composition ranges from dark basalt to reddish scoria.
Mount Gilboa, 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) away, provided dark basalt blocks as well as water via an aqueduct.
The style is early Gothic, the combination of whitewashed walls and dark red basalt (local stone) being simple but imposing.
The church of Surb Astvatsatsin was built in 1213, and is constructed from dark gray basalt.
Most of that raw surface was so dark as to seem featureless, but reflections from ice lenses on each side dappled the dark basalt here and there.