Nor, it seemed, from above; the stairs upward terminated in a series of dark attics which she did not care to penetrate.
He entered the dark attic and turned his flashlight on the steel door in the chimney.
The squad moved silently through the chimney door and assembled in the dark attic over the bride's room.
Their breathing became heavier in the sweltering heat of the dark attic.
He was shouting at them from the dark attic above.
Eventually, the soldier's money is depleted and he is forced to live in a dark attic.
In the dark attic the ladies shuddered, remembering, eyes shut.
It dropped the already breaking glass with a catastrophic noise and stepped into the dark attic.
Olena slips through the window, into the dark attic.
The air grew hot and stuffy as I reached the top of the stairs and stepped into the dark attic.