The dark burgundy of her gown lent a deeper color to her eyes, turning them almost violet.
The material was dark burgundy, and any stains would have been obvious.
She turned to look toward the dark burgundy of the tent's flap door, and a strange glow was coming through.
The edible dark burgundy colored fruit is produced in large clusters from the branches or the trunk, depending on the type.
She was wearing a black silk robe, trimmed with a dark burgundy and cut low at the neck, that came midway down her slender thighs.
A dark burgundy was adopted as the main team color, with a classic pinstripe style for home uniforms.
Under the irregular glaze the clay is rich dark burgundy and because of its size (24 inches) the pot costs $300.
Longo wore the dark burgundy of the security apparatus.
They killed one bottle of rich, dark burgundy, then opened another.
There was lace at his throat, and his trousers were dark burgundy, made of some soft material that cried out to be stroked.