Glam's own joyful efforts to assist Casca helped speed up the demise of the few who dared resist them.
She had the feeling that when he was in one of these moods he was capable of any violence against her if she dared to disobey or resist.
You will all be hurt, killed if you dare resist us.
Often they provided a protective escort for important commercial transports but just as often they waged war against worlds that dared resist the rigorous methods of the Springers.
Such individuals were treated with respect by their fellows; and though, in fact, they were debilitated by their disease, they were so feared that no healthy individual dared resist them.
Carrying games made the network more expensive to carry, but this was the N.F.L.'s channel, and what cable or satellite operator would dare resist the allure of those games?
Terrible would be her wrath visited on those who dared resist her will.
And damned are those who dare resist or touch the Lord's annointed!
"Anne Askew was a damnable sinner, who dared resist the command of her lord and king!"
The president has so far failed to deliver on his vow to fight for the poor, but the opportunity is at hand if he dare resist his House majority leader, Tom DeLay.