Cugel again set off along the road: through a dank forest of thamber oak, yew, mernache and goblin-tree.
He fell asleep and dreamt of a forest, dank and dark, where the leaves fell like rain.
That summer of A.D. 210 they walked through the great dank forests of Germania.
"Very well then; I'll take you willy-nilly and if you want to come back to your dank black forest you shall do so!"
Later we moored the boat and took a slow walk though the towering, dank forest.
I surveyed that expanse of dank, black forest.
He entered the dank, loathsomely overgrown forest, pushing himself to catch up with the over-eager Robinson boy.
The tumors had sprouted on her left breast like mushrooms in a dank forest: different shapes, sizes and colors.
The fronds of a dank black forest reached into the air ahead of them.
Several generations of American children got their first sense of World War II from the show's black-and-white tableaus of bombed-out farmhouses and dank forests.