The Alien whipped its bony tail around, dislodging the dead warrior and hurling its battered carcass into a dank corner.
Camille pointed the way over a carpet of corpses to a dank corner of the immense chamber, where Talisac awaited them.
Neelix began to glance suspiciously into every dark, dank corner, as if expecting a horde of Navdaqs to pop out with pitchforks.
IF "grill and bar" conjures up dank, sticky corners and lardy burgers, perhaps Trinity has chosen its name unwisely.
Bunched in a dank corner of a small room were two other women and five children.
Probably he'd been escorted to a dank, nasty corner of a baggage car and put under lock and key.
Although edible quince is not widely planted these days, you can still come across trees planted decades ago in dank corners of old lots, often the only relics of gardens past.
As he ap-proached the last wall, near a dank corner, the sound of his tapping changed almost imperceptibly.
Otto had been allowed to use a dank corner, which he'd made his own by hanging an old sheet across on a rope.
And a mushroom that looked edible popped up in a dank corner of my mudroom, where I had spilled some shiitake spores.