She was in a small, dark, dank cell.
She let herself be led to the door, and the blue light waned in the dank cell.
However, he awakes to find himself uninjured and imprisoned in a dark dank cell.
"Here" was a dank cell that had been created out of nothing and nowhere.
The girl and the young woman, sharing a dark, dank cell, seemed to bolster each other's resolve to stay true to the cause.
If I see you again, you'll be sharing a dank cell with your rummy uncle.
Thirteen of its 300 dank underground cells were put on exhibition this fall.
Was she lying in some dank cell, praying that he might be able to help her?
She received a life sentence and spent most of the next five years in a dank Andean cell.
But they imprisoned a Dreen in a dark, dank cell!