The one sitting on the pen held the loose board back with his dangling foot.
In the morning, near death, he kicks the mast repeatedly with his dangling foot in a last fit of rage.
The toe of the dangling foot rotated side to side as though she were extinguishing an imaginary cigarette.
After she leaves, Norman Sly crosses his legs; he shakes his dangling foot.
The door fell off the getaway car as the Hog pulled away, exposing the dangling feet of the crushed driver.
It stopped beneath the dangling feet of the woman who looked like Terry.
Nab the Narrow rapped the dangling feet with his pole.
Then, rapidly, they broke the bread and spread the crumbs beneath the dangling feet.
She reached up and touched the dangling foot of the closest humanoid, who appeared to be a Vulcan like herself.
So Bolan focused on the dangling foot, aligning the crosshairs with the Argentinian's ankle.