There were about 3 feet of intestines dangling outside her belly.
In this early 1930's photograph, a body lies face down, one arm dangling outside the tub.
The shot of Mildred's feet dangling outside the window is usually cut from pre-watershed screenings.
George sees a dead body dangling outside the window and then falling away.
On June 25, 1997 a 14-year-old Waukegan boy injured his arm while dangling it outside the car.
Swinging over the brink, he dangled by his hands, not directly outside the window but a trifle to the left of it.
"By Jove, that was a fine sleep I had," he announced cheerfully, lifting himself up and dangling his legs outside the car.
Shoving the rear door shut with his elbow, he dangled the dress outside the window.
The team members were already sitting with their legs dangling outside the slick.
However, upon going to his car, Julien realizes he left the rope dangling outside the building.