Many homeless people have said they sleep on the street, even on dangerously cold nights, because they fear violent crime in the shelters.
The river would be dangerously cold.
Her hands were dangerously cold, and her maimed hand throbbed.
Money was the lining of the protective coat which concealed him from a dangerously cold and malevolent world.
The descent seems endless, and everyone gets dangerously cold.
Dakota was big news: just a few days earlier, he had been saved from a dangerously cold airplane cargo hold.
"Dangerously cold and wet," cautioned another, planted near a dish of oregano-strewn eggplant.
Her fingers dug into flesh gone dangerously cold and slippery wet with blood.
"It's dangerously cold outside, but that doesn't mean you can't go out and enjoy the parks."
- that anyone would expect them to be concerned about the survival of people sleeping on sidewalks in dangerously cold weather.