Because they have a dangerous returner in Hughes, Marciano said they decided last year that they weren't going to take any touchbacks unless the ball went out of the end zone.
A Dangerous Man Right into the hands of one of the most shifty, dangerous and game-breaking returners in pro football.
Most people in the N.F.L. have one dangerous returner.
The Bears have dangerous returners in Johnny Bailey on punts and Dennis Gentry on kickoffs.
Roberts is a proponent of "preventive kicking," keeping the ball in the air until the coverage can get downfield, and keeping it away from dangerous returners.
It is part of the Giants' plan to keep the ball from dangerous returners; 25 of his 62 punts have gone out of bounds or been downed by teammates, the highest ratio in the league.
Indeed, he was at Lewis's heels virtually the moment the dangerous returner hauled in the kick.
It seemed like a good idea at the time and may, in fact, still be: Get the 49ers' dangerous returner, Dexter Carter, to offset an offense that will not score much.
The Jets' JoJo Townsell, who has scored a touchdown on a 59-yard punt return and is one of football's most dangerous returners, could singe the Giants' special teams.
After two years of hiring some hoary famous free agents who failed to move the Jets above .500, the team yesterday plucked a player in his prime: Dexter Carter, the dangerous returner and third-down back.