He felt suddenly electrified by the prospect of once again hunting the most dangerous prey of all.
Consumed by its legendary bloodlust, the creature begins the hunt for its oldest and most dangerous prey: Man.
He tuned all his senses for evidence of a werewolf kill of the best and most dangerous prey of all.
Thick forests and numerous rolling hills make perfect hiding spots for dangerous prey.
As a professional, however, that seems to have lost some of its thrill as I've moved on to bigger, more exciting and more dangerous prey.
Males are usually most involved in attacking predators and may collaborate to kill snakes as dangerous prey.
Now Marek has built a new empire, and he's ready to hunt his most dangerous prey yet: MacLeod.
The syrinx is a most elusive and dangerous prey.
The Elchite showed himself to be a dangerous prey once again.
This is evident among animals that hunt in packs to take down large or dangerous prey.