But at last there came a terrible blow in the shape of dangerous illness to his wife.
And what constitutes a dangerous mental illness can be highly subjective.
The privations he suffered in the retreat from Moscow brought on a dangerous illness.
A dangerous illness followed, and complete recovery was long delayed.
Allen was then once more in Rome, having been summoned by the pope after a dangerous illness two years before.
After a dangerous illness few patients willingly looked back.
I have never had any doubts before about inoculating my children against dangerous and life-threatening illnesses.
Remember that even though anorexia is a dangerous illness, it gives a person a sense of being able to control overwhelming feelings.
At the age of 75 he had a dangerous illness, during which he became reconciled to the church.
This is a great action because it protects children from dangerous illnesses which can kill or leave them with bad after- effects.