He needs to learn to vent his anger steadily and constructively instead of letting it build to dangerous heights.
Spring rains swell the river to dangerous heights; summer droughts can render it impassable.
This means that the Yellow River is now so choked with mud that its bed has risen to a dangerous new height above the plain.
The cold truth is that the Republicans currently in Congress are raising the phenomenon of special interests to dangerous new heights.
That would raise the stakes to a dangerous height, nor would either act hurt Dominique very much at all.
We were flying very low at not much more than three hundred feet-a dangerous height.
But consider hiring a professional mason if the work involves dangerous heights or if the joints require delicate shaping.
People in kayaks run perilous rapids; mountaineers scale dangerous heights.
This particular surfing trip prompted the surfers to paddle in, rather than tow, taking the degree of difficulty to dangerous heights.
He had unfortunately chosen too large a tree; for when he swung off, it only bent a little way, and left him hanging at a dangerous height.