A team usually focuses on high-crime neighborhoods, dangerous fugitives and gun running, Mr. Kustad said.
Crime scene investigation units and patrols seeking dangerous fugitives have also been known to use dogs for tracking.
Since its inception, his reports have led to the capture and conviction of four dangerous fugitives.
A night intercept, over a heavily populated area, with dangerous fugitives and someone like Cazaux on board.
He was added to the list of thirty most dangerous fugitives in Italy.
Before his arrest, Edoardo Contini appeared on the list of thirty most dangerous fugitives in Italy.
Angelo was eventually arrested in May 2001, after having been on the list of thirty most dangerous fugitives in Italy since 1995.
The teens make their escape, but not before they manifest superhuman powers, and are labelled dangerous fugitives.
Mallardo was soon added to the list of thirty most dangerous fugitives in Italy and eventually arrested on August, 2003.
Because they had to be "on the run", dangerous fugitives that the public wanted dead.