After the film was made, Palihakkara travelled to London to rejoin his friend Ramgopal and his dancing troupe.
As further proof, at the news conference today Mannington plans to have the Rockettes, the well-known dancing troupe, cavort on the covering in fearful symmetry.
Ignoring the dancing troupe performing before him, Gorben lay back on the silk-covered couch, conversing in low tones with Bodasen.
In an effort to please the lead dancer, the sarpanch has the teacher's house emptied and gives it the dancing troupe to occupy.
Ceremonial regulations (number of ritual vessels, musical instruments, people in the dancing troupe)
No, they're the dancing troupe I'm sending over to the London Dinner.
Despite the non-appearance of the promised dancing troupe (pitch too muddy), there was plenty of action at the break.
Prior to joining the group, she had been a member of Vito Paulekis' dancing troupe.
He opens in Las Vegas with a Middle Eastern dancing troupe, complete with exotic harem girls.
Your Frances thought Fred Karno ran a dancing troupe!