Several dancers from the companies will share the stage on one night.
In his ballet classes and performances, dancers share a common will and ambition, but they remain apart.
Riders, acrobats, dancers and musicians share the stage with horses.
Preperformance anxiety is another problem dancers share with athletes.
"I like people to have a very good feeling about what my dancers have shared with them," he said.
And dancers from many ethnic communities will share the stage.
But in getting to that point, most dancers share a relatively similar path, first learning the choreography and then adding layers of detail and color.
Much of the impact of theatrical choreography arises from the fact that dancers and audience share the same physical space.
The events bring dancers together to share their passion for the dance, build community, and to share moves and tips with each other.
The dancers may have shared similar training, but it served concepts of creativity and choreography that do not have the same meaning around the globe.