He sympathizes with his young couple, and the dancers respond emotionally.
The dancers immediately responded to the signal and began forming teams on either side of Eve?
The other dancers responded to her: she was the catalyst for creating dramatic reaction.
The dancers responded by stepping forward to say yes or backing away to say no.
In jazz music, there are many elements in a song to which a dancer could respond.
I like to say she has emotion on the tip of her sleeves, and the dancers respond to that.
The dancers respond, one by one, to questions, much as in the musical itself, which takes place at an audition.
The dancers in turn respond with astonishing versatility to a kind of phrasing that is new to them.
The dancer responded by doing tight somersaults, then landing on his feet before the model, who threw up her hands and walked away.
The programme for 2012 includes a show where contemporary artists, dancers and poets respond to three works by Titian.