The dancers range in age from 4 to 17.
The dancers and musicians on this occasion ranged in age from late 30's to early 80's.
The four dancers never ranged far from their ritual circle at the center of the stage.
Fully choreographed and costumed, the dancers range in age from 7 to adult, and some of the professionals come from ballet companies in Connecticut, Texas and Central Europe.
Mr. Akhmetov's partner had proved to be too old for the competition, whose dancers range from 17 to 23 years old.
Both the 40 dancers and the audience will range about the performance space.
The dancers range from lindy-hoppers who scorched the floor of Harlem's Savoy Ballroom in the 1940's to kids who love the wild athleticism of the dance.
The dancers can range from their early 20's to their early 80's, and it is common for young people and their friends to socialize with their parents and their parents' friends.
The dancers perform in unison at locations throughout the world, and can range from pre-teens to the elderly.
The dancers there ranged from members of Martha Graham's company like Dorothy Bird and Anita Alvarez to Balanchine disciples like Ruthanna Boris.