And, he added, "There is a Gypsy modern and flamenco dancer in Spain named Beland Maya who dances like Martha Graham though she has never taken a Graham class."
In the 1992 Kannada movie Bombat Hendthi, a well-known male actor and dancer named Sridar crossdresses.
When Mason steps into Smith's life, he finds himself in a tug-of-war between Smith's fiancée, and a dancer named Dorothy March (Powell), with whom he has fallen in love.
Barnum took Vivalla, a negro singer and dancer named James Sandford, several musicians, horses and wagons, and a small canvas tent.
Michael Cavanaugh is the remarkable piano man who sings the entire score, and an athletic dancer named John Selya is dazzling as a grease monkey turned Vietnam veteran turned addict (2:00).
In time, dancer Potter falls in love with a band singer, a "very pretty girl" named Mary O'Hara.
The story begins in Paris around 1936, when a young dancer from Guadeloupe named Adrienne Fidelin met Man Ray.
A dancer from the Bronx named Mark stood on the edge of the circle watching Ms. Mimura's impressive moves.
After graduating he traveled the United States as a circus bandmaster with his wife, an exotic dancer named Mabel May Jones.
The legendary pop-singer and dancer from Sri Lanka named Jamuna, performs some Odissi, too.