Yet there were also many episodes in which dancers expressed anxiety.
An especially fluent dancer, he expresses more through his polished movement than through his facial expression.
Intensely concentrated, both dancers expressed a great deal with a minimum of gesture.
The Balinese dancers express the story of dance-drama through the whole bodily gestures; fingers, hands and body gestures to head and eyes movements.
The dancers, from all parts of the world, expressed with extra effort what freedom is all about.
The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, ranked dancing with poetry, and said that certain dancers, with rhythm applied to gesture, could express manners, passions, and actions.
Officials said that only two available dancers had expressed interest, and that they were waiting for more information.
I need to see how dancers express their humanity.
"The black clothes (of mourning) are as heavy as iron..."A religious dance where the dancer expresses himself with figures mostly on the ground rather than on the air.
In solos, dancers can step before the world to make strong statements or express deep emotions.