The sky grew darker as gradually as the dance unfolded.
Instead of watching the dance unfold from behind a windshield, the audience stood, craning to see performers poised on narrow platforms attached to the space's vast window facade.
For it, she created masses of squiggly lines that are raised and lowered into the upper reaches of the stage space as the dance unfolds.
Each dance unfolded in space as clear and unruffled as the dances were not.
The first joke is the sculptural object on and around which the dance unfolds.
But their romantic dance was unfolding to a different tune.
The dance unfolds as if preserved in some cooler-colored medium than amber.
If you could stand the unceasing, maddeningly tuneless flute music, and manage to get a spot from which you can watch the dance unfold, it's really something.
All three dances unfolded in softly swelling and fading light designed by Blu.
The dance itself unfolds in a slow succession of distinctive, almost mimetic postures that have changed little over time.