The dance, set to music by Miles Davis, looks a good deal fresher than its 19 years.
The medium is dance, set to a driving score by Steve Reich.
Over time shibu has evolved into a style distinct from kenbu, with its dances set to poetry of a less martial character.
The result is distracting cacophony, though it is impossible to imagine the dance being set to any one of the scores alone.
Perhaps, it's easier to shoot dance set to music than random action.
Their free dance, a jungle-inspired dance set to drums, was not well received by judges and they finished 8th overall.
It means a new kind of serious dance set to a new kind of serious music.
At competitions, skaters perform between two and six dances set to organ music for a maximum of 3 minutes per dance.
Finally, there is the strangely moving ritual dance, set to imitation gamelan music, to mourn the hero's death.