As the dance progresses, the two crawl beside and on top of a stone wall, on which they also sit.
And as the dance progressed, the music crazed everyone like strong drinks or dangerous drugs.
But as the dance progressed, they matured into young women with unruly passions.
He went through the steps automatically, smiling at his partner or his temporary partners, as the dance progressed.
"Yes, as the dance progresses," Desi said, pausing.
As the dance progressed, Del's noise gained volume.
As the dance progresses, the men are increasingly dominated by the grim suited figure, finally falling in step behind him as they march, hopeless and doomed.
As dance progressed into the 1800s, the desire grew to dance en pointe without the aid of wires.
As the dance progresses, some repetitive recitations are to be shouted.
The dance progressed interestingly from simple, slow parallel movement phrases to enjoyable flailing at pillars and at empty space.