Sacred dances follow strict formal patterns, and incorporate panpipers in the group.
Because rice serves as one of the foundations of Sierra Leone's economy, many dances incorporate the movements used to farm and harvest this crop.
In the West Indies, the dance incorporated into work and periods of festivity and lamenting.
The dance incorporates a new step, the "Dig It" which involved snapping both feet together and then hopping while keeping them together.
The dance incorporates sexual and other forms of frantic movement.
The dance also incorporates African and Brazilian martial arts.
The dance incorporates not only classical ballet movements but also paints a breathtaking picture of a hunting scene.
The dances will incorporate chanting and singing and will convey these nations' rituals, like hunting.
Her dances incorporated familiar movements and tasks, executed with palpable concentration: people walked, ran and in one case moved a mattress.
Both dances incorporate eruptions of thundering movie music by Bernard Herrmann.