Himacerus is a genus of damsel bugs belonging to the family Nabidae, subfamily Nabinae.
Parasitoids in the genera Phaeogenes and Orthostigma were all seen in closed habitats, while 90% of damsel bugs (Nabicula subcoleoptrata), a potential predator, were observed in open areas.
Available pesticides can kill two of them, the lygus bug and the western flower thrip, he said, but they also kill useful insects like pirate bugs, big-eyed bugs, damsel bugs, lacewings, predatory mites and parasitic wasps, that naturally control insect pests.
Nabis lovetti is a type of damsel bug in the family Nabidae.
Experiments have revealed some promising agents of biological pest control for this moth, including Nabis pseudoferus, a species of damsel bug.
Nabis is a genus of damsel bugs.
The insect family Nabidae contains the damsel bugs.
Many damsel bugs catch and hold prey with their forelegs, similar to mantids.