Researchers at Johns Hopkins University and Rice University published a damning critique of Diebold's products, based on an analysis of the software.
That is a damning critique in a country whose very identity is wrapped up with precision-engineered cars from Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Porsche and Volkswagen.
Last week I spotted three news reports about the NHS which, when considered together, provide a damning critique of the Government's current agenda for the health service.
If a more damning critique of a performance has been written about a football team the Bung hasn't read it.
Nathan seemed unfazed by such damning critiques, smiling and saying he felt "HOT!"
But today, the NUS launches Broke and Broken, a damning critique of the current top-up fees model and its long-term consequences for our higher education system.
Upon his release, he published his Mémoires sur la Bastille in 1783, a damning critique of the institution.
The Wall Street Journal's Kimberly Strassel called it "a damning critique" of the theory of man-made global warming and credited Plimer with sparking an "era of renewed enlightenment".
Perhaps the most damning but indirect critique of Mr. Tenet has come from an old friend and ally: Secretary of State Colin L. Powell.
In Sept 2011, Meurant penned a damning critique of the NZ police in North & South magazine.