The most damaging way to attack a party is with an argument not only based in truth but seen to be based in truth.
It will be up to the unionist parties to interpret such a result in the least damaging way possible.
Ultimately, the best solution is to try and defeat the cat's damaging ways by using understanding and intelligence rather than foul-smelling chemicals.
It sent a letter back to the state yesterday reiterating that the shortened school day would be the least damaging way to make budget cuts.
"That puts pressure on the White House in the most damaging ways."
If any other segment of our population were being discriminated against in such a damaging way, the outcry would be tremendous.
Self-regulation on this issue is obviously failing-and in a seriously damaging way for children.
Both, however, have had damaging ways of undermining their talent.
I'm also deeply creeped out by the social pressure on women to present themselves in a an expensive, time-consuming, artificial and often damaging way.