The only way to stop these damaging rumours is for the players to back the manager on the field and start winning games again.
It seems there are strange and possibly damaging rumors going around concerning my delayed arrival at Wiggly River.
The leak to Roderick Bruce would result in damaging rumors circulated throughout every important office-Senate, House, Justice, Defense-and then exploding into headlines.
They need not have the proof to spread damaging rumors, particularly if this Sarah Decker he intended to marry was as delicate as Sir Owen claimed.
Unnamed people starting preposterous and damaging rumors.
But as far as anyone can tell, it is perfectly legal to sell a country short, then spread damaging rumors about its future policies.
"The latest round of inaccurate, but damaging rumors has proven to be the final straw," Tarkanian said.
In Chechnya, your life is in danger; in Dagestan, the authorities spread damaging personal rumors about you online.
Bob Pisani, a CNBC reporter, is another useful conduit of damaging rumors, he said.
We are to believe that Grimes and his minions concoct damaging rumors about companies they're planning to short-sell and deliver them straight to Bigley.