Several prosecutors said the change would inevitably lead to damaging leaks.
Numerous damaging leaks, which appeared to originate from conversations between McVeigh and his defense attorneys, emerged.
Mr. Slotnik then said he was acting as a lawyer who was concerned and "frustrated" about anonymous and damaging leaks to the press from the Government concerning his client.
While so much of the focus has been on the Jets' West Coast offense, the most damaging leak last night was the Jets' West Coast defense.
Earlier in the month, the prosecution dominated the headlines with various damaging leaks and with its grisly presentation at the preliminary hearing.
P.& G., Mr. Artz wrote, "had a clear legal right to seek the assistance of the authorities to investigate potential damaging leaks of confidential company information."
Wilson has said that the covert operation succeeded because "there was no partisanship or damaging leaks."
Some NATO officials play down the threat of damaging leaks from the proposed new members.
Closer examination, however, suggests that the legislation would probably do little to prevent damaging leaks.
Every day she remained alive, a potentially damaging leak was walking around.