Nevertheless, despite having taken a damaging direct hit, the sidewheeler continued her efforts to get away.
His instincts proved to be right as Milwaukee chipped away, but could not overcome Cowgill's damaging hit in Arizona's 10-6 win.
A damaging hit from a mortar causes D3 wounds, but as most creatures have only 1 wound it is not always necessary to take this dice roll.
Despite his plane being on fire, Bush completed his attack and released bombs over his target, scoring several damaging hits.
Nine days later, she scored damaging hits on a transport and sank cargo ship Zuisho Maru.
The reversal of course brought her back in range of the British battlecruisers, however, which quickly opened fire and scored several damaging hits.
The most damaging hit was Angel Berroa's three-run home run off Farnsworth in the eighth.
After enough damaging hits, the structural integrity will fail, causing a general power failure.
On test runs, any time your shot was a damaging hit, a central viewscreen lit up with a dot.
Both cruisers received damaging hits but survived.