It makes a number of very damaging allegations against some very prominent people.
That is a serious and damaging allegation.
"The most damaging allegation in this context is the specter of altering story content for agenda-driven reasons."
He also asserted that "not a single source for any of the damaging allegations it contains has ever been made public by the authors."
The last and most damaging allegation came from Ana Castro, who was 11 when an investigator knocked at her apartment door.
Unfair, maybe, but a horribly damaging allegation to have made about you on the eve of the Lions' selection.
They are most damaging allegations, he trailed off and looked at her for permission to continue.
Even before the current row, the Central Bank was the target of damaging allegations.
It's an extremely damaging allegation to have made.
Does that mean that Mr. Clinton might be in serious trouble if more damaging allegations come out?